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Zero Sequence Transformers from Controlled Magnetics

Economical Solution to Triplen Harmonics

Our zero sequence filter transformers offer a simple and cost effective solution to facility power quality problems associated with triplen harmonics (3rd, 9th, etc). ZST Series transformers are specially to reduce the harmonics associated with single phase non-linear loads supplied form a 4-wire power system. The impedance to zero sequence currents will be less than (1%) one percent with our transformers. Connect these at a 4-wire distribution panel that feeds non-linear line to neutral connected single phase loads. Our zero sequence transformers are manufactured to help to improve your productivity while keeping tight controls on costs.

The standard features that you want

Weight and cost are both minimized by our efficient use of aluminum winding conductors. Your installation costs are kept to a minimum through our use of finger-safe terminations on units rated less than 150 amps. Transformers with higher current ratings have solid copper tab type terminals. The UL200C temperature rating of our insulation materials are economically utilized while maintaining adequate operating safety margins.

Optional features available when needed

There is no sense paying for features you don't need. That's why we've designed our standard ZST Series zero sequence transformers to include the features you must have, but to leave all others as options for you to choose only when you need them. You can specify thermal switches, enclosure types and many other options to your order when you need them.

Enclosures that meet your needs

While many transformer companies only offer enclosed transformers. because they use the cabinet walls as the transformer mounting brackets. You'll be pleased to know that we'll accommodate your needs for the enclosure and mounting method you want. Whether you need open core & coil construction or enclosures for Nema 1, Nema 12 or Nema 3R applications. We'll even provide Nema 12 potted construction for maximum protection and minimum audible noise.

Broad range of ratings available

Standard ratings range form 15 amps (phase current) up to 300 amps (phase current). Higher current ratings are no problem either – simply contact the factory any time you need a different rating. We'll be happy to quote the part that meets your exact needs. All zero sequence transformers manufactured by Controlled Magnetics are available in both low voltage and medium voltage ratings.

Zero Sequence Transformers

Up to 600 volts
50hz or 60hz
Three Phase, 4 - wire

Custom Zero Sequence Transformers are available to your specifications.

Zero Sequence Filter Transformers - Standard

Easy to Select & Install

Our zero sequence filter transformers are easy to select. Simply size them for the phase current (circuit breaker rating). All of our standard units are constructed with neutrals that will handle three times the phase current. Our ZST series transformers are normally used on four wire power systems, but they can be used on three wire systems to attenuate triplen harmonics caused by the unbalanced distribution of loads.

Open Style (enclosure is optional)

208 Volts, 60hz

Catalog No. A
A x B x C
15 ZST15G6 8.5 11 5 45 A 20x16x16
20 ZST20G6 8.5 11 7 65 A 20x16x16
25 ZST25G6 8.5 11 7.5 75 A 20x16x16
30 ZST30G6 8.5 11 8.5 95 A 20x16x16
40 ZST40G6 11 14.5 7 125 B 24x23x20
50 ZST50G6 11 14.5 7.5 130 B 24x23x20
60 ZST60G6 11 14.5 8 140 B 24x23x20
75 ZST75G6 13 15.5 8 170 B 24x23x20
100 ZST100G6 15 19 8 220 C 34x28x22
150 ZST150G6 15 19 12 275 C 34x28x22
200 ZST200G6 15 20 10 450 C 34x28x22
300 ZST300G6 17 21.5 14 575 D 40x32x24

380 Volts, 50hz

Catalog No. A
A x B x C
15 ZST15C5 8.5 11 9 105 A 20x16x16
20 ZST20C5 11 14.5 7 125 B 24x23x20
25 ZST25C5 11 14.5 8 140 B 24x23x20
30 ZST30C5 11 14.5 9 175 B 24x23x20
40 ZST40C5 13 15.5 9 210 B 24x23x20
50 ZST50C5 15 19 9 235 C 34x28x22
60 ZST60C5 15 19 10 270 C 34x28x22
75 ZST75C5 15 19 12 290 C 34x28x22
100 ZST10C5 15 20 11 500 C 34x28x22
150 ZST150C5 17 21.5 13 600 C 34x28x22
200 ZST200C5 22 22.25 15 775 D 40x32x24
300 ZST300C5 25 27 15 900 E 46x36x24

415 Volts, 50hz

Catalog No. A
A x B x C
15 ZST15D5 8.5 11 10 110 A 20x16x16
20 ZST20D5 11 14.5 8 140 B 24x23x20
25 ZST25D5 11 14.5 9 150 B 24x23x20
30 ZST30D5 11 14.5 9 185 B 24x23x20
40 ZST40D5 13 15.5 9 220 B 24x23x20
50 ZST50D5 13 19 9 250 C 34x28x22
60 ZST60D5 15 19 10 295 C 34x28x22
75 ZST75D5 15 19 13 320 C 34x28x22
100 ZST100D5 15 20 11 520 C 34x28x22
150 ZST150D5 17 21.5 15 660 D 40x32x24
200 ZST200D5 22 22.25 14 775 D 40x32x24
300 ZST300D5 25 27 16 1025 E 46x36x24

480 Volts, 60hz

Catalog No. A
A x B x C
15 ZST15A6 8.5 11 10 105 A 20x16x16
20 ZST20A6 11 14.5 9 125 B 24x23x20
25 ZST25A6 11 14.5 9 155 B 24x23x20
30 ZST30A6 13 15.5 9 175 B 24x23x20
40 ZST40A6 15 19 9 210 C 34x28x22
50 ZST50A6 15 19 11 260 C 34x28x22
60 ZST60A6 15 19 13 275 C 34x28x22
75 ZST75A6 15 20 9 415 C 34x28x22
100 ZST100A6 16 21.5 13 520 D 40x32x24
150 ZST150A6 22 22.25 14 650 D 40x32x24
200 ZST200A6 25 30 15 850 E 46x36x24
300 ZST300A6 25 30 17 1275 E 46x36x24

600 Volts, 60hz

Nema 1 Enclosed - Zero Sequence Filter Transformers

Cabinets for Zero Sequence Filter Transformers